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Workshops and Presentations on Other Topics or Custom-created
These are typically shorter programs of up to 2-hours in length that can be delivered in-person or virtually on a specific topic or can be a longer program that has been specifically designed and customized to meet the needs of your organization.
This type of program can be incorporated into conferences, meetings, onboarding, employee training, leadership programs, monthly or quarterly initiatives, strategic initiatives for employees, and other initiatives. It can also be a stand-alone program that your employees need or want.
In-person programs are ideal when organizations: have many employees together at one site, bring together employees from different sites to one location for an event, have employees that are not typically on computers, or want a more personal/interactive/face-to-face experience for employees.
Virtual programs are ideal when organizations: have employees scattered in different locations or in the field, have barriers in bringing together employees for any reason, have budget/travel restrictions that make in-person sessions less feasible, or would like to have the program spread out over a longer period of time.
Session Topics: We offer a multitude of topics in the areas of the 4 branches of wellness:
Mindset/Mental, Social/Emotional, Physical/Environmental, and Financial/Occupational
Mindset/Mental topic examples
Mindfulness: A critical Practice for Performance and Well-being​
Building Mental Agility
The 5 Why's: Leveraging this Method for Making Personal Change
Time Can't be Managed and Has No Quality: Managing Yourself & Creating Meaningful Moments
Want to Make a Change? Change Your Mind: The Power of Mindset
Demand Downsizing: Making Professional and Personal Demands Reasonable, Manageable, and Meaningful
Go for GRIT: Leveraging Growth, Resilience, Intention, and Tenacity for Success
Your Inner Thoughts: Strategies to Create Constructive Thoughts that Allow You to Thrive
Understanding the Rational Brain and how it impacts your work, health, relationships, and life
Social/Emotional​ topic examples
Creating a Life of Meaning and Joy​
Building Emotional Agility
Un-social media: Creating Positive Social Connections to Thrive
Emotional Awareness and Management to Thrive at Work and Home
The H Factor: The Role of Humanity in Performance and for Organizations
Collaboration and Teamwork
Negotiation and Compromise
Social Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
The Neuroscience of Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Performance
Nutrition for Cognition: Nutritional Strategies for the Aging Brain​
Brain Aging: Slow Brain Aging Through 5 Daily Strategies
Brain Performance: Enhancing Cognitive Capabilities
Gut-check: How a Healthy Gut Enhances Health and Performance
High-Intensity Interval Training and Resistance Training: Maximizing Return on Investment
Sleep: The Why, What, When, and How for Health and Performance
Your Eating Philosophy: Deciding What Eating Style Allows You to Live the Life You Want
Sustainable Eating: Practical Ways to Reduce Your Food Carbon Footprint
Mindful Eating: Eat Less, Enjoy More
Travel Well: Strategies for Eating, Exercising, and Sleeping for Road Warriors
Creating an Environment of Success for Health and Well-being
The 9 Senses: What They Are and How They Impact Your Behaviors
Stuck in a Work Rut: Simple Ways to Re-energize Your Role
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Reframing Stress and Preventing Burnout
Work/Life Integration: Finding Ways to Leverage the Best of Both
Growth Mindset
The Risks of Chasing Money and What to Chase Instead
Leveraging Business Principles to Improve Your Finances
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